Saturday, April 07, 2007

Beware: Craziness is Genetic

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall...who is the Craziest Sister of all?"

Check out this picture and you will see that yes, Sister #2 is the craziest of all.

Yes. That is a cake. And yes, I made that cake. After my munchkin went to bed. And all those pretty colors? Yeah, those are Skittles. Individually placed by me. And the insanity doesn't end there.

I had to add a pretty design on the side, too.

Yes, I am crazy. But in a good way, right?


Catherine said...

That is so beautiful, Martha! I am always so inspired by how much you and Margie love your children and how much youdo for them -just to see them smile -just so they know how magical life is.

Happy Easter, Sisters!

Victoria said...

i'm glad that we decided on skittles instead of m&ms..... yes... good times.

happy easter!

Margaret said...

Seeing this picture makes me love cake even more!