Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Haunted Clock Approves

The haunted wall clock in that small space, that interstice between the bedrooms, approves of the new wall color. The old girl started ticking and chiming away the other day a while after I put her back up on the wall. No winding up, no crank of the key. I didn't even open the glass door, nor did I clean the protective layer of dust off her top. I let her go for nine and a half hours, but even I have my limits. I pried the stubborn latch open so I could stop the swinging pendulum and the chimes. It took almost two minutes to get it open. It's been a couple of years since she's spontaneously started like that, but I swear, that clock was happy this time. I considered taking her down to place a new curio cabinet in that spot, but after this episode, I don't think she'd be satisfied anywhere else. So where should I put the new wall curio cabinet?

interstice (n.): a space between closely spaced things

P.S. like how my clock is a girl?


Martha said...

Watch it Margie--you shut off your happy clock. If you tick (HA! Tick!) off that clock, it's liable to come alive in the middle of the night and get you. And FYI: I think all clocks are girls--maybe something to do with time management?

Catherine said...

Time is certainly a Woman. I've always written Her as such.