Saturday, May 27, 2006

Pillow Talk

A Tale of Two Minds

last night, we're discussing writing and various literary elements

HIM: [speaking as if his words are in quotes] "It was the best of both worlds."

ME: [confused look; the question "what?" uttered through my facial expression]

HIM:[smiling] You know...Emily and Charles Dickinson. They wrote poetry and Scrooged.

ME: [laughing so hard that I almost fall off the bed while reaching to turn off the light]

HIM: Don't fall!

ME: [still laughing] Yes, that would be funny--trying to explain to the hospital that I broke my arm falling out of bed, laughing.

HIM: [serious tone] Only your sisters would understand that.

ME: [laughing even harder because he's right!]



Martha said...

At least the broken arm would have been from falling off the bed, and not from having one of your crazy sisters push you off of it!

Margaret said...

LOL! After all these years, I can't believe mom still thought I fell:-)