Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Good-bye, Untrammeled Freedom...


I knew that it was coming, but it still crept up on me like a bat out of hell. THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. Yesterday was the last day of pre-school. I realized that for the next fifteen weeks, everything I need to get done will have to be done with at least one child by my side. I have a couple of weeks before kindergarten is over, and then I'll have both my darlings to entertain. I'm not worried (too much) because it's going to be a great summer. I have a few things planned to keep the kiddies happy and my sanity intact. What is really funny is how I spent my last two and a half child-free hours.

I dropped off my darling and then I went to a Beverage Depot [side note: they open at 9 in the morning!]. I bought five bottles of wine. But, in true Crazy Sister style, nothing could be that simple. For the third time in resent history (first time was the day after I came home from Brussels last year, second time was in DC this spring), I was carded. I don't understand. I just had another birthday. I don't think I look any younger than I did a few years ago. But, anyway, I didn't have any appropriate identification with me. Even my license was in my other jacket. I had to go back home to get my id. Ugh. Twenty minutes wasted. After I had my beverages secured, I wanted to go shopping. It is NO FUN to go into a fitting room to try on clothes while restless children give you their unsolicited comments, such as: I'm hungry, and This is taking a long time. So, I decided to make up for my lost time by getting on the expressway.


That's right. Accident. It took fifteen minutes to go the same distance it normally takes two minutes to travel. I finally arrived at the beautiful outdoor mall only to discover that what I had gone to shop for was nowhere to be found. Blue blouse, how hard is that? My time was running out anyway. I pulled up to the school just in time to join the other parents, grandmas, and nannies picking up their darlings.

Hello, summer.

untrammeled (adj): not limited; unrestrained

1 comment:

Martha said...

So this is what I'll have to look forward to after I complete my master plan to be a stay-at-home mom. Next summer, we'll need a few extra bottles of wine.