Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Doughnut Daze

I'm coming off the worst sugar high of my life.

I'm a reasonable person. I really am. And I'm semi-rational, at least sometimes. But I am also crazy. Really crazy. No, you don't understand. I really am crazy.

I ate nine doughnuts in two days.

Okay, okay, enough with the gagging and fake puking sounds. I know it was gross and sick, and believe me when I say that I FEEL gross and sick, but something really weird came over me, and I went a little crazy--er, well, crazier.

Usually twice a year, I get junk food cravings. Not like PMS cravings. More like sugar-addict cravings. For whatever reason, doughnuts help that craving. It lasts a day or two, I eat a few doughnuts, and I'm good for another six months. Mostly, I figure if I'm eating well for 361 days out of the year, four days of crazy eating isn't too bad. But this was just icky.

I think it had something to do with the fact that the doughnuts were the first "real" food I ate in eleven days. After having my tonsils and adenoids removed (as an adult, no less, and OUCH by the way), I was limited to cold liquids and extremely soft solids. Read: popsicles, jello, ice-cream, and eggs. This was particularly brutal since my sense of smell is now about ten times stronger since the removal of my adenoids. For my daughter's birthday party, I baked a homemade blueberry pie and made cinnamon chips; I also made a huge pot of chili. It all smelled so good, I was practically drooling--and not just because my mouth was still swollen. And oh, curse Fate! I couldn't eat any of it. Not one bite. But at least the guests seemed to like it all.

Finally, after church this past Sunday, I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped at the grocery store on my way home, and when I walked past the bakery section, I was like a woman possessed by the Doughnut Demon. I had to have doughnuts. Had. To. Have. Them. After I got home with the coveted box and graciously offered it to my husband, I went a little nutty. It was food! Real food! It required chewing and even better, I could swallow it with only minimal pain.

The real pain, however, would kick in later as my unsuspecting tummy was assaulted by the good stuff that makes doughnuts so bad.

But it was worth it. It was SO worth it.


Margaret said...

"Doughnut Demon"...

Well, it could have been worse. I hear the Twinkie Demon is mighty scary!

Glad you can eat again:-)

Martha said...

You know, there are some foods that are very sinister. Sister #4 and I had a conversation about this over the weekend. There are just some things...doughnuts, Twinkies, cheesy poofs...that are strangely addictive, oddly comforting, and just--perfect.

Catherine said...

If by "perfect" you mean "deliciously hidden coronaries waiting to happen." ;-)