Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Internet Teaches You Everything

      So you know the rockin' shoes I got for the wedding?

(The middle pair)

      Well, they fit my foot perfectly, but they were so tight in the toe! Several people in the reviews/comments also noted that the toe was so tight that they were barely peep-toes because their toes didn't really have room to sneak out. One of these helpful commenters also taught me the greatest trick in the world! (Yes, I tried something written in a random review on Zappos. I'm convinced of the benevolence of the Internet, except WebMD, which wants you to know you are dying of whatever ailment you decided to look up there).

      Anyway, the commenter said she/he used the "age old trick" of filling two ziplock bags with water, putting them in the shoes and then popping them in the freezer. Because water expands when it freezes! And will gently stretch the shoe!

      OMGGENIUS! Worked like a charm. It stretched these shoes just a tiny bit in all the right places. Now my toes can peep, the little rough patches that were threatening to give me blisters are gone and all is well again. Hurray! Thank you, Internet!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hooray for the Internet!

And Shoes!