Monday, January 05, 2009

Giving into sister pressure

I already made a list of my resolutions, but here are some specifics that will be more measurable since we're checking in:

(1) Do my new pilates DVD every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning unless I am physically ill. An hour and a half a week will NOT kill me.

(2) Eat fast food no more than two times a month. When classes are in gear, I have a bad habit of going out after class and before work. Not cool.

(3) Journal at least twice a week. Morning. Noon. Night. Whenever. Just do it.

(4) Get out of this quarter life crisis that I'm in. I'm not sure what exactly this entails, but I didn't smile and laugh enough last year, so I need to kick that back into gear.

(5) Be outside more. Take a walk. Run in the morning. Swing on a swing. Play a game of basketball. Get some more good old 0-2 in my lungs.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

You know what helps with #4? Doing things you THINK you don't want to do. Like when someone in class invites you to a party and you feel tired --go anyway. When your friends want to drive downtown and drink milkshakes, even if you have to work --do it. Stuff like that. The more you start doing happy, carefree things, the more happy and carefree you'll be. That's why 2008 was the BFYOML.

Love you.