Saturday, August 30, 2008

Baby's To Do List

Week of 8.24-30.08

  • Play light sabers with cousin even though the light saber is bigger than me (check)
  • Make mom take me out of the stroller so I can get a better look at the "Mythic Creatures" at the museum (check)
  • Let eight children touch me at once, without crying, in the school parking lot (check)
  • Search all the rooms of the house for my brother and sister each day while they're at school (check, check, check)
  • Climb onto kitchen table (check)
  • Climb onto dining room table (check)
  • Scare the wits out of mom (ongoing)
  • Climb onto kitchen table AND turn off computer (check)
  • Take mom's jeans from washing machine and throw in garbage (check)
  • Unpack groceries and squash bread (check)
  • Take three hour nap on Saturday so dad thinks I always nap like that for mom (check)
Fourteen months and counting...

1 comment:

Martha said...

I love it! I've got all these cute mental pictures running through my head, his dazzling (but devilish) smile when he turns and looks up at you as you're trying not to have a heart attack...