Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chore Play

It's the new foreplay!

I read somewhere a long while ago that most women (specifically, mothers) would trade a night of passion for a solid night's sleep. I agreed then, and I agree now.

See, I love my husband dearly, but every now and then, he gets kind of grumpy with me because I'm tired a lot. A. LOT. As in, ALL. THE. TIME.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that when a well-meaning husband tells his wife to relax, kick back, veg out, do whatever and take a night off from the regular household doesn't do the wife any good to come downstairs the next morning and see the same piles of laundry on the couch and the stinky dishes from last night's dinner still sitting on the kitchen table.

Especially after not getting much sleep, because of the aforementioned honey's snoring.

So, for any men out there...a sure-fire way to get your wife in the mood? Let her sleep AND do the dishes for her. She'll remember it a week from now.

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