Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Déjà vu. Again.

Thankfully, there isn't a squirrel in my house, but something else is happening.

I just finished a project, and the feeling I had while I was working on it was overwhelming. It was as if I had done the exact same thing before. I even stopped working on it twice, but each time I started again, the sensation returned. Even now that it's finished, I can't look at it without seeing it twice--once in the now, and once in some parallel memory. Don't get me wrong, I've had déjà vu before, but this time it is something more powerful. Has that ever happened to you?

There is one tiny part of my brain that is waiting for someone to come along and tell me that I have done the exact same project before--duh!--and that is why it's so familiar. You'll have to tell me in ten days when we rendezvous again!


Martha said...

I think we all get deja vu because we've all lived past lives. It's a MacStewart thing. I get strange feelings all the time in new places--I know I've never been there before, but the image of the landscape is burned into my brain before I'd ever been there.

Margaret said...

Déjà visité is the uncanny knowledge of a new place. It sounds like that's what you have, and I bet that ties in with past lives, too. Share a story! I had a past life report done 7 years ago. We can compare...