Sunday, March 02, 2008

Long Story Short

On Friday, the squirrel was still trying to figure out how to throw himself out of a closed window. I made a bit of noise so he would hide, and then I put cashews on the steps leading out the back door. After a few hours--and a few prayers (my St. Anthony, St. Anthony the Abbot, St. Francis, St. Blaise, St. Nicholas of Tolentino) (I really wanted the squirrel to leave)--most of the cashews were gone and there were tiny animal tracks in the fresh snow outside the door.

I hope he lives to tell his grandsquirrels how he survived being trapped in the house of very kind people.


Catherine said...

I think you should write a children's story, Margaret. I will illustrate it.

Martha said...

I agree with #3! That would be cute beyond belief. Of course, it will also be something for you children to make fun of for years to come..."Remember that time when mom had to leave a trail of nuts to lure the squirrel out??"