Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I was just thinking about when you said:

"Sometimes my stomach doesn't like it when I laugh."

  And I just couldn't help myself -


Margaret said...


stop it, LOL (as I dash away from the computer)

Martha said...

Hahaha--barf--hahahahaha--blech--I love it! OMG! My word verification is yucki! Hahahahaha!!

Catherine said...

hahaha, classic...

Now let me get this straight. We are now the Four "Crazy, Laughing, Barfing, Karma-killing, Revenge-plotting, Well-dressed, Hell-bent, Kick-ass MacStewart" ...Sisters. Did I leave anything out?

Anyway, I like it. It has a nice ring to it.

(My word verification: yumdevil...hahaha)