Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Truth About Men and Boys

Research proves it. Boys would prefer to date a girl whose parents dote on her (aka spoil her rotten)--i.e. buy her a car and not expect her to work for it, pay all her expenses, etc.--because she is seen as being "easy". He also likes the idea that he will be perhaps be seen as part of her world and will enjoy the perks that come with being associated with a "princess". A real man, though, prefers a woman who is willing to work and take initiative in her life, because he doesn't have to worry about living up to some standard that was set in place by her parents. Score one for us hard-working sisters!


Margaret said...

Sources? Or your own research?

Martha said...

My own study. In polling 100 males ages 14-18 and 100 males ages 19-30, 70% of boys prefer a princess with only 19% preferring a self-starter and 11% being undecided; a whopping 91% of men prefer self-starters with 6% preferring a princess and only 3% being undecided. Validity +/- 2%.

Catherine said...

Did you know that 68% of statistics are made up? Including the one I just used?

Still, I am intrigued. Only because you had such a small margin of error. ;-)