Saturday, October 28, 2006


It's bound to repeat, isn't it? I mean, you always hear people telling others that history is going to repeat itself...
And this business isn't monumental, it's not like I'm predicting WWIII is going to begin this Thursday at 2:23pm, it's something on much smaller, personal scale, but I'm still wondering... Is it going to happen?
And what will I do when/if it does?

I guess I'll just have to wait and see, but we all know that none of us are very patient when it comes to things like this.


Margaret said...

Sometimes it's like watching a hamster run in one of those little wheel thingies...people just going in circles.

Martha said...

Stop going in circles! Jump off while you can. Seriously. Although, I think history only repeats itself if we allow it to repeat itself. Be strong!