Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Diamond Dust & Champagne

for your hair

I'm not making this up . I checked the ingredients.

so today's word...epicure (n): one devoted to sensual pleasure


Catherine said...


Martha said...

Interesting. I've seen the word "epicurean" and never bothered to find out what it meant. I'll try to find a way to work it into a conversation with my co-workers!

Margaret said...

No, what?

And, Martha, an epicurean is usually someone with discriminating tastes in wine (or food).

Catherine said...

Just "no" in general. I protest the extravagance. Although, in medieval times, they didn't even take baths. Gross...

(Reading historical fiction again...)

Catherine said...

P.S. There is a great article and accompanying photo essay about the "vanished" White City (from the World's Fair 1918) on Gaper's Block. It's really good.