Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fat Tuesday

Heavier by the minute...

C'mon girls. No matter how skinny you are (and yes, dear crazy sisters, all of you are way skinnier than me--on the flip side of that, I may be bigger, but I also have the longest legs and biggest boobs!), you've had days where you just feel fat, right? I'm having one of those days. I haven't had a fat day in a while, and I forgot how yucky it feels.

You know...clothes don't fit right, you just feel kind of sloppy and sluggish. The thought of laying in bed in sweats with the remote is very appealing. If you're stuck at work on a fat day, you just want to cross your arms over your chest and give that blank stare when people ask you something--you know, that look that just screams, "I don't think so."

And then I got to thinking that maybe fat days have less to do with actually being fat or even feeling fat. I think fat days happen when things aren't going so great. Feeling fat and feeling burdened are awfully similar. I guess carrying the weight of the world could add a few extra pounds to a person. Maybe that's why my shoulders, neck and back hurt when I'm feeling fat.

The thought of ending my work day early and crashing on the couch is tempting. Instead, I'm going to go home, play with my baby, give her dinner, and then go to the park with her and push her on the swing. If it rains, I'm going to let her chase me around the house doing her modified "army crawl".

Hey! I'm feeling a little lighter already!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hello, Sister #2,

I hope when you write "bigger" you mean taller. What are you...5'9" or something close to that? I can tell that you are within the healthy weight range for your height, even though I don't know the exact numbers, whenever I see you. And yes, we know you have the longest (sexiest?) legs and the most ample bosom of us all.

When the weight of the world is getting to you, bring out some Neopolitian Dynamite icecream and watch Footloose. I did that on Friday and I felt so much better after. Lighter! Happier! Sillier!