Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What Goes Around Comes Around

Karma at its finest...

Not too long ago, I published a few posts on forgiveness and Karma. It was therapeutic for me. I've spent many hours in recent weeks doing a lot of soul-searching, mental housekeeping, and emptying (well, attempting to empty) my heart of feelings of ill-will that I've been harboring. And I prayed. A lot.

I think many people believe that prayers have to be formal for God to hear them, but I know that's not true. I've realized that even on days when I'm thinking, "Martha, you just have to suck it up if you're going to get past this," God is really hearing the underlying prayer, which is more along the lines of, "I need help finding my inner strength if I'm going to get through this." I have believed for a long time that God never refuses to answer a prayer. He answers prayers in His own way, in His own time. And when people feel like God isn't answering their prayers, it's not that He's not answering--it's that they aren't seeing the answer, because it's not the answer they wanted. I don't think God ever really tells us, "No." I do think that He often answers with, "Not yet."

All that being said...er, well, written...I do have a point. I just found out that the person I was really angry with (even hated, to a degree), has, in an eerie coincidence, recently received some Karmic payback. I was afraid at first that I would feel glad or revel in that person's misery. God knows I spent enough time plotting ways to get even with that person, but I never followed through on any of it. The moment I really handed it over to God, I started to feel better. And I think that's why I felt no joy or delight in this person's current suffering. I admit that my first thought was, "Ha!", but that quickly changed and I just thought, "Wow, that kind of sucks." And then I continued my day. Some negativity did creep up on me a few hours after I got the information, but as soon as I acknowledged it, it went away.

God, Karma, Fate...call it what you will. It exists. It's real.

And Margie, I'd like to think that part of what helped is that I now use the Karma raspberry lip gloss. The "Bite-My-Butt-Mustard" that Karma so enjoys has now been sprinkled on someone else's rump.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I knew the instant I saw cosmetics called "Karma" that you needed some!