Saturday, March 25, 2006

An Observation

With no photographic evidence

Yesterday, I took a look out the front windows and saw something different in my neighbor's tree. There was a squirrel sitting in the branches and eating a sandwich that was wrapped in white paper. I am convinced it was a hamburger from McDonalds, but I couldn't find the camera to get a good picture. It is one of the stranger things I've seen, but not the strangest.

What have you seen lately?


Martha said...

Does seeing something weird in a dream count? Early yesterday morning, I had a dream that Miss Piggy (yes, as in the Muppets) was a midwife-turned-torture-dentist that pulled teeth out of unsuspecting people's mouths. If that doesn't count, here's something real--I saw my baby daughter french kiss her baby cousin yesterday. You know how kids always kiss with their mouths open?? Yeah. Only she kisses with her mouth open AND her tongue hanging out. Thank goodness they're only babies and don't know any better!

Tree said...

I just came from a walk during which I witnessed an elderly man rake the snow on his front lawn.
Ah, life is interesting...

Catherine said...

I saw Trent Lott walking down a hallway singing "Oh Susanna" or some such odd song quietly to himself, (but just loud enough for me to hear him), and checking his enormous and ancient cell phone. If my coworker hadn't been there and seen it too, I wouldn't have believed it!