Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday Words

Here are more unique words (so fun for scrabble):

frass(n.) debris or excrement produced by insects

cwm(n.) a steep walled basin on a mountain, usually forming the blunt end of a valley

noes or nos (n.) plural of no

No sentences today. But I just want to say, sometimes w is a vowel.


Martha said...

Exceptionally funny--only because I actually knew the definition of "frass." Thank you Environmental Science 101.

Tree said...

It is? W? A vowel?
Ok you have to give me an example so my brain can begin to function again.

Catherine said...

I knew cwm, although I have no idea how. I'm thinking Philosophy-401, reading the Dao de jing...there were a lot of valley basins in that class...

Margaret said...

I forgot that I come from a family of crazy smartypants. Victoria, don't you dare tell me that you knew the last word...