Where did the last year go?
In 2010, I gained some pretty amazing pairs of shoes.
I lost an enormous length from my hair.
I stopped exercising. Again.
I started praying more.
I was hugely satisfied by my answered prayers.
And frustrated by my lack of closet space in this house.
I am so embarrassed that I slacked on writing.
Once again, I wished summer wouldn't end.
Once again, I did not organize my photos. When the heck am I going to do that?
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is at least twelve inches of hair.
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is my belief in the Force.
I loved spending time with my sisters! Spa day!
Why did I spend even two minutes thinking the Mayhems would behave?
I should have spent more time outdoors.
I regret buying um...no regrets that I can recall.
I will never regret buying those adorable shoes that took forever to get because the devil sent me a coat instead even though with that money I could have bought an entire outfit (minus shoes).
I worried way too much.
I didn't clap enough.
The weather drove me crazy.
Was the wind crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?
The most relaxing place I went was Tybee Island. And the spa. It's a tie.
I feel so refreshed when I write that down.
Why did I go to the bookstore? That place is dangerous!
The best thing I did for someone else was find super cheap airfare to D.C. so she could see her brother and be with him an extra day and a half.
The best thing I did for myself was go to D.C. with my friend, and find my reservoir of faith.
The best thing someone did for me was give me a spa day with my sisters! Thanks honey!
The one thing I'd like to do again, but do it better, is create and stick to a (daily) writing schedule.
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