Thursday, May 13, 2010

Promises, Promises

In my next lifetime, or in this lifetime when I finally get around to taking over the world, I am going to have a policy about keeping promises. I do not understand why it's so hard for people to keep promises and I think it's time to institute some accountability on the part of the promise-giver, so that the promise-receiver (who has fallen victim yet again to the chronic promise-giver's failure to follow through) has some sort of ability to get restitution for the said broken promise.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I think people throw around promises without considering their words and what they actually mean. We all have a certain amount of flexibility and understanding when life actually prevents someone from keeping a promise. But, your idea of a "promise" currency would limit the way people throw around their words.

Can I be a high-ranking official when you take over the world?