Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Call to Art

Since Sister #3 got the first "October Art" picture in, I feel like mine doesn't quite measure up. It's not a stunning landscape and there's no harmonious post to go along with it. Rather, I have a simple picture of my kiddo in the Halloween costume I made for her. Yup, handmade with love, complete with a badly stitched, crooked shoulder seam that I've cleverly disguised by attaching the cape at the same seam.

TA-DA! (And yes, that's grandma's 40-year-old Singer sewing machine that I got running thanks to a hearty dose of oil and some super glue. But that's a whole different story. And it's only a temporary fix.)


Unknown said...

that is an awesome costume!

Margaret said...

That's really my comment up there!