Friday, August 15, 2008

Conversations From the Back Seat

Runaway Kangaroo v. The Naked Leprechaun

Last month, on the ride home from mom and dad's, the kids had one of the most hilarious "conversations" I've ever listened to. The baby had fallen asleep. My other little guy was bored, so, my sweet girl offered to tell him a story. Without going into too many details, it was an exciting tale (that she made up by herself) of kangaroo adventures. At the end of the story, you would think that the boy would be all "wow" or "thanks, that was a great story." No. He says, out of nowhere, "I almost caught a leprechaun last St. Patrick's Day. I set a trap, but I only found his clothes--even his underwear--so he was naked when he got away."

I should probably scale back on supporting the children in their elaborate schemes.


Victoria said...

I think he failed to tell you that this leprechaun had "drunk too much chocolate milk", and that's why he was naked.

Martha said...

Hahahahahohohohohehehehe! Naked leprechauns! I'm about ready to pee on myself.

Catherine said...

I sent this story to a couple of friends and coworkers and the most-oft received response was, "He must get it from you."