Saturday, June 28, 2008


Tastes strangely like throw-up...

    I'm sure you're all well aware that my all-time list of things that I hate goes approximately as follows:

        1) Vomit
        2) Genocide
        3) Canvassing

    I am happy to report that there was no actual vomiting last night, although many threats to do so. Rather, I would say I conducted myself with the famous MacStewart charm and grace. It certainly helped that the dress was so perfect (please post pictures, M2)!

    All this past week though, I've had that very special knot in my stomach. And as I left the clubhouse last night, I thought, Hey, it's over now! I can finally bid adieu to my unwelcome little companion! But boy was I ever, as usual, wrong about that. Last night I ran to the only place I could run where I thought it would finally be okay to cry, but I didn't cry at all, and if anything, the knot only grew tighter, and tighter, all the way home. It's still heavy as a brick in my stomach, and pressing on my vomit reflex in the back of my throat. I don't understand. Everything happened without a hitch --precisely as planned, as far as I can tell. So WHY WON'T THIS GO AWAY?


Martha said...

Um, maybe the vomit knot was sympathy pain for my pumpkin. Kidding. Sometimes, it just takes a long time to go away.

Margaret said...

Somethimes it takes 24 hours to process everything.