Sunday, February 03, 2008


I'm watching the big fat snowflakes rush past the windows. Even though there is a foot of snow on the ground already, I don't mind the additional flurries. I only wish there was more of it. Much more. I'm longing for a blizzard despite the inconvience it would be for the rest of the city. February is a wretched month, so dark and gloomy still. I'd like nothing better than to wake up and find everything cloaked in dazzling white. Despite my love of summer and the beach and a star-filled sky, I do believe that a snowscape is one of the most beautiful things to behold. Perhaps one day I'll get a chance to paint a picture of the trees outside my back window with their branches laden with perfect snow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know February is still hard. I hope you get your blizzard. There's something peaceful about a world that's blanketed in white. Love you, #1.
