I thought I'd share a few things from my parish bulletin:
From: Fasting From Our Clutter, Catholic Update, St. Anthony Messenger Press, January 2008
SUNDAY, February 17
In a culture where what we do is valued above who we are, listening to God is sadly neglected. Pray about the clutter of excess doing, about busy-ness, about stress, about workaholism. Trust God with your work. See yourself as loved and valued for who you are, not what you do.
I like this one, but it's tough. Being a woman means lots of "doing," "busy-ness" and "stress." It's hard for us to look at ourselves as loved and valued for who we are when so many are so dependent on what we do.
Also for thought, some ideas from my pastor on other ways to "fast"--in addition to the food fasting--during Lent:
- Fast from judging others. Remember how Jesus overlooks YOUR faults.
- Fast from discouragement. Have hope in God who abides in you at every moment, giving you strength.
- Fast from the problems that overwhelm your life and wear you down. Take each difficulty to Jesus and ask for help. He is just waiting to assist.
- Fast from too much of the world. In Lent, spend 10 to 20 minutes a day in prayerful silence, appreciating the beauty of nature or doing spiritual reading.
I haven't picked anything yet, but these suggestions are all really great --I'm glad you shared.
I went to church in Philadelphia on Sunday (St. John the Evangelist, in case you want to go when you visit). Everyone was extremely nice.
I like these ideas better than what I gave up for Lent. I know that Lent is "supposed" to be about sacrifice. Last year, I gave up doughnuts, and that was a big sacrifice. This year, I gave up ice cream AND doughnuts. My thighs might be shrinking as a result, but my taste buds are very sad.
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