Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I Win!

Okay, I know that it's a bad, bad thing to gloat. But I'm going to do it, just for a few seconds...I won the bet that the two-year-old would pull down her dresser. She's fine, thank goodness. The dresser didn't fall on top of her, but there is a broken snow globe and quite a bit of glass that needs to be cleaned up. I'm so glad I wasn't the one home with her when it happened. The upside to all of this? The hubby finally agreed that we'll go out Saturday morning and buy a new dresser that's more secure and anchor it to the wall.

I'm done gloating.


Okay, now I'm really done.


Margaret said...

When--Oh When!--are they going to realize that there are certain things that we just know.

Martha said...

Yeah. Like I "knew" that there were a bazillion broken shards of glass UNDER the bed. He didn't believe me. But oh yeah, they were there.

Catherine said...

Margaret, the last time I was at your house Robin was looking for his cell phone and he was rummaging through some stuff in the kitchen when I said from the table, "It's in the dining room on the bookshelf." He looked over at me with that look (you know the one) and said, "Don't do that. You're becoming just like your sister."