Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Kind of Town

Election Day

There is still hope in the world. I know that the voter turnout today will probably be very low (a symptom of severe contentment, I believe). But, it was nice to walk into my polling place and see people I know serving as election judges--the neighbor's teenage son, the grandfather of my daughter's friend, and a mom from our parish. They are the reason there's still hope. Younger, older, and in-betweener, it would have been easy to say that this election is no big deal. They didn't. They were there with a half a dozen others to hand out ballots or voting cards with a smile.

Citizenship lives.


Martha said...

Isn't it great to know that some people actually give a damn?!

Catherine said...

Actually, Illinois is continually ranked as one of the the most "civic-minded" and "politically conscious" state in the US, even above New York and California. I think New Hampshire might be the only state that beats us, but let's face it...those people are crazy. ;-)