Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Secret Wishes

I know you have some.

I have some. These are the secret wishes that are never talked about, not the grand, nor abstract, platitudinous remarks for "world peace" and the like one overhears uttered by strangers while waiting in line with the children to visit Santa. These wishes are the big ones, not the realistic ones, like gloves, or jewelry, or books, or slippers that end up on the list given to friends and family. These are concrete, not the overwhelming hopes parents have for their children's health and happiness, and future ability to pick up after themselves--which I do have, along with the hopes for goodness to always conquer badness, but that is not what this is about.

Here's my secret wish list:

  • a piano (I miss having music at my fingertips)
  • an extra 150 sq feet of living space and a powder room, without having to move
  • the wood floor in the kitchen refinished, but kept the same color
  • a part-time scullery maid
  • gorgeous, sexy, and therefore expensive, shoes to wear to the playground (or anywhere)
  • a six month supply of daily ham and Swiss cheese sandwiches
Any secret wishes you want to share?


Martha said...

I want to learn how to play the fiddle. And a maid would be good, except that I'd probably feel like I have to clean before she comes over. I want to lose the rest of the weight I gained, but still keep my voluptuous curves--is that possible? To be curvy and slender? I really want that. And I want to finish my book and get a rocking deal on a publishing contract. Yeah. That's probably what I want the most.

Victoria said...

I want a black 1956 Jaguar Roadster. I want a genie who will grant me 3 wishes, even if he can't make people fall in love or kill anyone. I want a magic carpet that can take me anywhere in the world and then home in a single night. I want to hold hands and take a walk on a nice night like tonight. I want to tell all of my secrets to a certain individual.
Actually... I want a lot.