Monday, May 15, 2006

Stress Free...Worry Free

Letting it all go...

I try not to worry about too many things. It's too exhausting to worry about stuff over which I have no control. I do, however, try to plan for things as best as I can. But, unfortunately, I do allow myself to get stressed out, especially when things aren't going according to plan. (And there is a difference between worrying and stressing. I swear there is!) Anyway, I saw a great license plate on my lunch break today: y worry. Isn't that great?!

It got me thinking about stuff that's been causing me stress lately--still trying to put my "new" house in order after the great water calamity and the subsequent repairs (and the fact that my vacuum cleaner attachments have mysteriously disappeared), planning my daughter's first birthday party, having surgery tomorrow (yikes!), wondering if I should bite the bullet and make a career's a lot for a gal to consider. But I'm not going to worry about it. I believe that God has a plan for me. Granted, it may not match my plan, but as least I know there's a plan in place. That's comforting. Of course, it would be MORE comforting if I knew exactly what the plan was and had at least a rough timetable for when things are going to occur. Picky, picky, I know. I just have to have it all, don't I?

I have to get back to work now, because my lunch break is almost done. Yes, I'm at work. What was I thinking coming into work the day before surgery? Who does that? I mean, who does that besides me? Darn mom and dad for instilling good work ethic in us!


Margaret said...

Plan: Sister #1 is on the way!

Catherine said...

Did you know that when they take your tonsils out, they take them to the pathologist, who pokes them with a stick to make sure they're really tonsils? Like...what else would they be?

Good luck tomorrow!