Sunday, January 01, 2006

I'm game

Let's play!

In 2005, I gained an adorable goddaughter, a new job, trust in someone who I never thought I would trust, and a new outlook on life somewhere in between those things.

I lost my sanity as well as my ability to tolerate liars and cheats.

I stopped listening to what people tell me I should do.

I started a real live paper journal!

I was hugely satisfied by growing some guts and saying hello to people and developing a few good relationships with them.

And frustrated by my stupid ex-stand-up-comedian-English-teacher and the horrible grade he gave me on one of my papers.

I am so embarrassed that I am friends with some of the people that I’m friends with.

Once again, I have a list of stupid things that I’ve done.

Once again, I did not follow through with all of my new year resolutions.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is I have 4 less teeth! (Though you can’t tell unless I open my mouth).

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is how I view others and the way that I value their opinions.

I loved spending time buried underneath a ton of blankets… It was quite warm.

Why did I spend even two minutes thinking those silly thoughts?

I should have spent more time working on the projects that really needed to be done.

I regret buying a certain CD because it turned out that’s the only band my friend and I DON’T have in common.

I will never regret buying a present for that one person even though with that money I could have bought a gift for someone who would have actually appreciated it.

I laughed and thought way too much. With emphasis on WAY.

I didn't write or share my thoughts enough.

I drove me crazy. And it should really be I drove myself crazy, but I don’t know if I’m allowed to change me to myself…

Was my life crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?

The most relaxing place I went was anywhere outside of this house that wasn’t my work on the night of a full moon or that one person’s house after that one big blowout we had.

I feel so stupid when I write that down. When I write almost anything down actually.

Why did I go to meet that one person… that one day… at that one place…?

The best thing I did for someone else was tell them that I was happy for them- even if I wasn’t really happy.

The best thing I did for myself was stop caring about what others think and go for what I want. Of course, this was done with a push, but that person gets their credit.

The best thing someone did for me was tell me that he was proud of me for letting go of someone who I thought was very dear to me because I could do much better.

The one thing I'd like to do again, but do it better, is a certain conversation that I had a couple of nights ago…

1 comment:

Margaret said...

What grade did that teacher give you? You are an awesome writer (ahem, it's in the genes)!